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According to the relevant regulations of the Chinese government, CASER data can only be used for academic research. In order to comply with these regulations and protect respondents’ information from disclosure, please provide your real name when registering and agree to abide by the following terms:

  1. CASER数据将仅用于学术研究,而不会用于商业用途。
    CASER data shall only be used for academic research and shall not be used for commercial purposes.
  2. 不得将CASER原始微观数据以任何形式出版。CASER数据只能用于学术统计或分析结果,而且这结果中不能泄露受访者的个人信息。
    The original micro-level CASER data must not be published in any form. CASER data may only be used to produce academic statistics or analysis results, and these results must not disclose respondents’ personal information.
  3. 不得将CASER数据发布、转让、出售、出租、租借、借贷或以其他方式赠予他人。
    CASER data must not be released, transferred, sold, rented, leased, loaned, or otherwise given to any other party.
  4. 注册时必需提供真实姓名、真实的工作单位等信息。
    When registering, you must provide your real name and actual workplace information.

If you agree to the above terms, please proceed with the registration. During registration, please provide the email address issued by your academic institution or workplace. We will review your application as soon as possible. Once approved, we will send the username and password to the email address you provided that is associated with your academic institution or workplace.

Note: We will keep your registration information confidential, and only project staff will have access to this information. Project staff will not disclose, sell, rent, lease, loan, or otherwise provide your registration information to any other party.


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