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Hong Kong Social Stratification and Mobility Survey, 2007

Version Date: 2025-03-10 Date of distribution by CASER for the current version of the data collection.


Prof. Xiaogang WU, New York University (Shanghai),

City: Hong Kong

This report describes a survey of 4013 adults in Hong Kong from December, 2006 to July, 2007.  The survey gathered detailed information on respodents’ family background, education, family life, work and job mobility, socioeconomoic status and attitutide towards inequality, identity and political participation. Here we describe the general objectives of the survey, its design and administration in the field, and present frequency tables and means for selected vaiables and a brief summary (in Chinese and English) of the survey results. We also append the questionnaires and fieldwork report by the Policy 21 Ltd, University of Hong Kong, with whom we have collaborated in the on-site interviews.

Wu, X. (2009). Income inequality and distributive justice: A comparative analysis of mainland China and Hong Kong. The China Quarterly, 200, 1033-1052.


Principal Investigator 

Wu, Xiaogang 

Associate Professor, Social Science Division, HKUST


Wong, Raymond S.K.

Professor of Sociology, Univ. of Calif, Santa Barbara 

Postdocotral Fellow

Wu, Yuxiao

Ph.D from Northwest Univ, 

Associate Professor, Shandong University 

Project Coordinator  

Yeung, Thomas

MA Student, Social Science Division, HKUST


Zhang, Zhuoni

M Phil Student, Social Science Division, HKUST

Other Team Members 

Lin, Thung-hong

Ph.D Candidate, Social Science Division, HKUST 


Sun, Yuanjia 

M Phil. Student, Social Science Division, HKUST


Wong, Tze-wai

M Phil. Student, Social Science Division, HKUST


Zhuang, Sijin

M Phil Student, Social Science Division, HKUST

We adopt a 2-stage stratified replicated sampling design for the survey. For the first stage, a random sample of addresses (or all households in the addresses sampled) has been selected, with the stratification factor being type of housing and district. This arrangement ensures that the respondents living in different housing types and districts are sampled. Replication has been used to facilitate the control of the number of persons aged 18 - 60 enumerated above in the survey. The sampling frame used is the Frame of Quarters maintained by the Census & Statistics Department, which is the most complete and up-to-date register of residential addresses in Hong Kong. It is updated by administrative returns on buildings constructed or demolished, and regularly surveys conducted by the Census & Statistics Department. For the second stage, a person aged 18 – 60 in the households sampled has been randomly selected and interviewed using the last birthday method. 

Using this strategy, A total of 7 000 quarters were randomly selected from the sampling frame, among which 5771 are valid living quarters.[1] 4008 quarters have been successfully enumerated, with a response rate of 69.5%. In a few quarters, there are more than one household, yielding 4013 inteviews completed. For details, please refer to Appendix 1 and 6.

Title Description
Hong Kong Social Stratification and Mobility Survey, 2007

Hong Kong Social Stratification and Mobility Survey, 2007

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